Friday 18 March 2011


I am challenged in my life to be dicerning when it comes to the Bible and to the doctrines it teaches. I am also challenged to be humble and teachable and not to think for one second that I am always right. Only God's Word is always right. God is perfect I am not. I am from Newfoundland, an east coast island off Canada. I was raised in a conservative Baptist Church on traditional hymnal music and quartet southern gosple music. I have been blessed by this and would not trade it for anything. I am also learning that God is not only infinite in His person but in His creativity as well. I am learning that our world and cultures present and display the gospel in many ways. That the message of the Bible transcends culture but God allows for diversity in the presentation as a means to reach more and more. This video is an example of that very creativity. It is also an example of God molding me...this genre of presentation is something I could never do, but I was moved, challenged, blessed and uplifted by the sheer honesty and grace by which the truth and power of the gospel is presented. Listen and enjoy.

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