Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Rob Bell, Josh Harris and the Role of an Elder

           I have been burdened to live by example what God expects an Elder to be in a local church. Paul told the Ephesian Elders in Acts 20... "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. 29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 31 Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish everyone with tears."
           Many in Christian circles have heard of and read Rob Bell, he is a pastor, communicator, writer and has produced many DVDs called, "Nooma". I have read most of Rob's book's and even own several of the Nooma series. I have been cautious to say the least, but now it seems that Rob is declaring a belief system that deminishes God's Holiness and Justice. He is about to release a new book called, Love Wins: Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. The basic premise is that Hell will be empty because God is going to let everyone into Heaven?
           Josh Harris who we have booked to come in August has addressed Rob's book. I thought it would be great to share his thoughts with you. Josh has been gifted by God to write and communicate well. I am very excited to have him coming to our church, as I know God will use him to bless us.
            I share this with you, not to pick a fight with Rob Bell, nor to come across as better. My desire is to fulfill the mandiate Paul laid before the Ephesian Elders. We need to stand firm on the essentials of the gospel, and universalism is an afront to the justice of an Almight God.
           I hope you will read this with a discerning mind and humble heart. I pray that God will show Rob the balance between God's Love and God's Justice. I hope that as you read Josh's words you will be encouraged and excited to hear him in August.     


Many people have challenged me for tweeting my dismay over Rob Bell's new book when it hasn't been released yet. I think the content of his video alone is concerning enough to be challenged. But I will read the book and if it contradicts the publisher's description and the content of the video I will rejoice and I will apologize to Rob for jumping to conclusions. (At which point I hope Rob will forgive me and also thank me for helping to make his book a best-seller.) Honestly, I would loved to be proved wrong and look stupid on this one. But based on the trajectory I've observed of Rob's teaching, and the content of his video and the statement of his publisher, I have a sinking feeling.

We also need to remember that all discussion about hell (for those of us who believe scripture teaches its existence) should be done with heavy hearts. Hell is what our sin deserves (Eph. 2:3). Hell is what God in his love has rescued us from. And we are not rescued from hell by our merit or the rightness of our doctrine. We are rescued from God's wrath by the self-giving love and sacrifice of Jesus on the cross (Rom. 5:8-9). We are saved by grace (Eph. 2:8). So there should be no glee or triumph in our tone in seeking to proving this biblical doctrine. Our hearts should break for the lost and for our own coldness of heart towards their spiritual condition. This conversation should lead us to redouble our prayers and our evangelistic, risk-taking efforts to proclaim the hope of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, to the ends of the earth.
          Read the rest of the article here

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