Second: The next few posts are going to deal with some controversial issues. Things that deal with tradition, philosophy and structures in our chruches. I have been reading, studying, praying and searching, asking the Holy Spirit to teach me and show me what is truth. My life has been blessed by God in the parents He gave me, the churches He added me to, along with the pastors and elders I have been positioned under. But, I also believe that in those experiences God has been showing me the differences between tradition and the gospel. My greatst joy these last few years has been the joy of discovering the ongoing need of the gosepl I need in my life every day. These discovery, has lead me to really turn to God's Word and honestly ask what does this passage actually say and teach. It has been the scariest time and yet the greatest time of my life.
So, with that said, I give you my first controversial issue...The Alter Call! All of my life I have sat through countless services where at the end the preacher then closed in prayer announced the hymn and then issued a plea for people to come forward to the alter and publiclly respond to the sermon. I never questioned this practice, truthfully withe my personality, I quite enjoyed it. I have responded many, many times to an alter call. However, since I have been in ministry and been reading God's Word and studying the format of the NT Church, I noticed a lack of evidence for the modern Alter call. I also started to evaluate my life and the fruit that was produced from these pleas to come forward.
The following are some thoughts from a Pastor who is sharing some of the same concerns that I share. I believe we have to get back to not only saying the gospel is the power of God unto Salvation, but practicing it as well. Give this a read and tell me what you think...
Thabiti Anyabwile is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman in the Grand Cayman Islands and a Council member with The Gospel Coalition.

I’m sometimes asked by people why we don’t do “altar calls” at our services. Like the people who ask the question, the churches in my personal background pretty much all practiced “altar calls” at the conclusion of a sermon or service. I’ve seen them done in very poor fashion, and I’ve seen some pastors be really clear about the gospel, repentance, faith, and the fact that “coming forward” does not save. I date my own conversion to the preaching of Exodus 32, which concluded with an altar call.
So, why don’t we practice “altar calls”? I don’t think the pastor who practices an “invitation” at the end of a sermon is in sin, but he may not be acting wisely either.
This list of reasons, compiled by Pastor Ryan Kelly of Desert Springs Church, is a pretty good summation of some of my thinking (HT: Z).
1. The altar call is simply and completely absent from the pages of the N.T.Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 of Ryan’s list are the most compelling reasons in my opinion. These would seem very serious objections for anyone who takes seriously the idea that our Christian lives and gatherings should conform to what the NT commands, models, and prohibits. Perhaps I would add an 11th: The “altar call” teaches the congregation to evaluate the “success” or “effectiveness” of the ministry on outward, visible actions and results.
2. The altar call is historically absent until the 19th century, and its use at that time (via Charles Finney) was directly based upon bad theology and a man-centered, manipulative methodology.
3. The altar call very easily confuses the physical act of “coming forward” with the spiritual act of “coming to Christ.” These two can happen simultaneously, but too often people believe that coming to Christ is going forward (and vice-versa).
4. The altar call can easily deceive people about the reality of their spiritual state and the biblical basis for assurance. The Bible never offers us assurance on the ground that we “went forward.”
5. The altar call partially replaces baptism as the means of public profession of faith.
6. The altar call can mislead us to think that salvation (or any official response to God’s Word) happens primarily on Sundays, only at the end of the service, and only “up front.”
7. The altar call can confuse people regarding “sacred” things and “sacred” places, as the name “altar call” suggests.
8. The altar call is not sensitive to our cautious and relational age where most people come to faith over a period of time and often with the interaction of a good friend.
9. The altar call is often seen as “the most important part of the service”, and this de-emphasizes the truly more important parts of corporate worship which God has prescribed (preaching, prayer, fellowship, singing).
10. God is glorified to powerfully bless the things He has prescribed (preaching, prayer, fellowship, singing), not the things we have invented. We should always be leery of adding to God’s prescriptions for His corporate worship.
Further, the need to be pastorally careful and sensitive with the souls of men needing to repent and believe couldn’t be more urgent. So, anything that obscures the reality of God the Holy Spirit’s work in conversion and the necessity of repentance and faith must be regarded–at best–a practice with potential to undermine the very work we’re giving our lives to.
Do people “respond” to the word of God at our services? They do. And we give them a number of ways they may follow up on what they’ve heard, from talking to an elder or Christian friend after the service, to scheduling an appointment during the week, to letting us know they would like us to visit with them, and so on. One thing I appreciate about our approach is that it allows us to meet, listen, question, encourage, teach and pray in a much more thorough way. By God’s grace we’re seeing people converted and profess their faith in baptism as the Spirit opens their hearts. We’re not perfect by any means. But I do hope we’re being faithful to the scripture’s commands, examples, and restrictions.
What do you think about Kelly’s list? Are you “for” or “against” and why? Would you add anything to or challenge anything on the list?
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