Saturday, 30 June 2012

Its time to ask some tough questions!

How well are we known in our communities?

            I serve on the Board of the local organization. I do so to be part of its efforts to serve the needy in our city, and for the sake of knowing people. Christ called me to know people where I live for the sake of the Gospel.
            This is one of the venues I am pursuing. There must be one or two or more of them for me to know people for the sake of the Gospel. It is easy to live in a shell.
I have found, over years, that Christians have a remarkable capacity to live insular lives (do does everyone, really). I have asked people in churches where I serve to name people outside of the church with whom they have had thoughtful conversations. I have asked them to list the people they know for the Gospel. I usually get a short or a very short list. So what? Why does it matter?
            We are called not to live insular lives. We are sent people, sent by Christ to the world. We are called to penetrate our communities with the message of Christ.
We are starting a new church soon. New churches are formed to penetrate new communities with the Gospel. They are not primarily formed to attract Christians, but to bring the Gospel to people outside of Christ.
            We are turning our current church toward the mission. We want to be engaged in the Lord’s work of advancing the Gospel.
           But starting a church is not penetrating the community by itself. New events is not penetrating the community. It takes intentional effort to know and be known, to build an awareness of our presence in the places where we have churches. If you build it, they will not come. There is more to it than that.
We are starting with asking God to work. He is first. But there will be specific steps for each to take into what God is doing.
           I recently sat in a meeting where we reviewed an analysis of how much people in our city knew about our organization. It is called market penetration. The idea fascinated me. We were concerned about it. We had a mission and that mission required market penetration. We strategized new ways to improve in this. It was so very interesting. There was such an urgency.
What about you? about us as a church?
         Do you strategize new ways to penetrate your community, not for the sake of a product, but for the sake of the Gospel?
          I am talking about simple steps, a path of many years. Do you have one?
          We will not be effective in turning to our communities with the Gospel unless each believer thinks our ways to penetrate the communities where we live.

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